Learn the latest Internet standards & tech requirement due to the evolved domain name system(DNS) and fix your email systems, applications, websites or SaaS!
Date: 30 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30 – 17:30
Venue: The InnoNetwork, Hong Kong Productivity Council, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Language: Cantonese & English
Agenda & Registration: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/universal-acceptance-the-new-internet-standard-in-this-digital-economy-tickets-629811301557
Fee: Free of Charge
Who shall join us?
Business owners, I.T decision makers, system administrators, software developers, I.T. students, ICT educators
The Internet has changed dramatically over the last decade with multi-lingual and long domain names such as .香港, .在线, .online, .भारत, etc a couple years ago. While the major web browsers and some email clients are already supporting such domains technically, many of the businesses and software developers are still yet to adapt the changes in their I.T solutions, which in turn hinder users from accessing their services. The DNS will soon face another boom of Top-Level Domains with the next round of New gTLD program launching. To make sure your applications/systems are compatible, competitive and inclusive, learn about how to become UA-ready now!
This seminar will inform you about:
- Business opportunities of the second round of new generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLD) program
- Why do you need to achieve Universal Acceptance and what it takes
- Technical requirements & relevant Internet standards about Universal Acceptance
The DNS will soon face another boom of Top-Level Domains with the next round of New gTLD program launching. To make sure your applications/systems are compatible, competitive and inclusive, learn about how to become UA-ready now!
This seminar is part of the Universal Acceptance event series organized by Internet Society Hong Kong and sponsored by ICANN to echo the inaugural UA Day (28 Mar 2023) in raising Universal Acceptance (UA) awareness around the world and locally so to encourage UA adoption with key stakeholders. There will be further technical training events held in the Open Source Conference 2023 following this seminar in the series. More details will be announced later.
Language: Cantonese & English
Featured Speakers:
Mr. Edmon Chung, Board Member, ICANN
Ms. Athena Foo, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, ICANN
Mr. Ben Lee, Head of IT, HKIRC
Ms. Alban Kwan, Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances, APAC, CSC Global