Cybercrime law in Hong Kong: Way Forward
科技罪行法例改革: 何去何從?

Event details
Date: 24th July, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Venue: ZEROZONE, 9/F, Tungtex Building, 203 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Language: Cantonese
Rundown: 1. Speakers sharing 2. Panel discussion 3. Floor discussion
Remark: free entry with prior registration; live broadcast on Facebook (TBC)
Registration deadline: 21st July, 2019 (Sun)
- Mr. Randy Shek, Barrister, Progressive Lawyers Group (法政匯思)
- Mr. Lento Yip, Chairman, Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association (HKISPA)
- Mr. Chester Soong, Director, Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK)
- Hon Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor, IT Constituency
Over the past decade, reports of technology crimes in Hong Kong have jumped more than eight folds. Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has recently ruled against the use of ‘one-size-fits-all’ charge for smartphone-related crimes. It means that under Section 161 of the Crimes Ordinance, “obtaining access to a computer for criminal or dishonest gain” should not apply to a person’s own phone or computer.
To address the rapid developments in this area, as well as the potential for new technologies to be exploited for carrying out criminal activities, the Law Reform Commission Cybercrime Sub-committee commenced its study in January 2019.
Many countries including China have addressed such issues by enacting or updating current “cybercrime” laws. While purportedly aimed at addressing increased threats of cybercrimes, these efforts have produced deeply flawed legislation that jeopardizes freedom of expression online in many countries.
As Hong Kong begins to explore the future of cybercrime laws, the Internet Society of Hong Kong and Office of the Hon Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT) will organize a seminar to examine different perspectives on this topic, including from legal professionals, information security experts, internet service providers, and civil society to raise awareness on the important issues that the government’s effort of updating cybercrime law must consider.
Discussion topics (tentative)
- Cyber security and cyber-crime trends in Hong Kong
- Challenges of countering cyber crimes
- Existing legislation: a review of its purpose and efficacy in combating computer-related crimes
- Tackling technology crime and safeguarding human rights: how can we strike a balance?
- What can we learn from the efforts in overseas jurisdictions trying to tackle cybercrime by legislation?