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PAST EVENTS World IPv6 Launch x IPv6 in Action x IPv6World.Asia (Jun 6) Fabulous support from over 270 participants. World IPv6 Launch represents a major milestone in the global deployment of IPv6. As the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4, IPv6 is critical to the Internet’s continued growth as a platform for innovation and economic development. Speakers from Asia Pacific and China shared their real experience on World IPv6 Day in 2011 and deployment case studies.Check out the speaker’s presentations and photos here. IPv6 Seminar for Hong Kong Teachers / 「IPv6 讓網絡持續」教師研討會 (Jun 2) Organised by ISOC HK and sponsored by the Hong Kong Government of HKSAR, the IPv6 Seminar will provide informative IPv6 details to local teachers to expand their knowledge on the latest IP situation. Check out the Event here. (Chinese Only Website) Check out the speaker’s presentation and photo here. IPv6 Seminar for Hong Kong’s Small Medium Enterprise / 什麼是IPv6? 如何迎接IPv6下的物聯網新世界? (May 23) Over 110 participants attended the event organized by ISOC HK and sponsored by the Hong Kong Government of HKSAR, the IPv6 Seminar will provide informative IPv6 details to local SMEs to expand their knowledge on the latest IP situation. Check out the Event here. (Chinese Only Website) Check out speaker’s presentations and photo here. (Chinese Only Website) eVoting Security and Privacy? (May 19) e-Voting is new to Hong Kong and most parts of the world. In 2011 and 2012, citizens of Hong Kong had tasted two e-votings (or e-pollings) to influence the process of Chief Executive election. Security and privacy challenges posed a vital impact on e-voting. ISOC HK, PISA and security professionals came together to share their experience. Check out speaker’s presentations and photo here. “Building Trust in Cloud Computing” Summit 2012 & Inauguration of CSA Hong Kong & Macau Chapter (May 17) A successful and great turn out at the event on May 17th @ Cyberport. Over 230 participants attended with positive feedback. Speakers took the audience through a wealth of information on Security Assurance with Cloud Computing Check out speaker’s presentations and photo here. ISOC-HK MEDIA COVERAGE IPv6傳送快 政府率先用 (Sing Tao Daily)Jun 7, 2012可供上網的電腦及電子裝置均需IP地址,隨着科技產品愈出愈多,IPv4空間今年初盡用。政府早已率先把轄下二百個政府網站升級轉用IPv6,並將於年底推出新一代無綫上網設施。 。Read More
IPv4 過渡 IPv6 的迷思 (HKITBlog) Jun 6, 2012 相信大家都聽過 IPv6 了,然而企業要從 IPv4 轉換到 IPv6 的時候,往往都會出現很多問題,例如是現有設備未能支援、技術人員欠缺 IPv6 的知識等等,究竟 IPv6 是甚麼 呢?在轉移之間又有甚麼問題需要注意?以下將會為大家簡單解答一下。
IPv4 將耗盡 企業宜及早升級 (Hong Kong Economic Times) Jun 6, 2012 能上網的電子裝置均需 IP 地址,移動通訊大熱,需求隨即大增。 近年科技界已警告,沿用的 IPv4 地址快耗盡,需轉用新的 IPv 6 地址。香港互聯網協會創會主席莫乃光指:「 礙於網絡服務供應商對提供 IPv6 服務抱觀望態度, 影響企業的積極性。」 去年 4 月中,亞太區的 IPv4 地址已派完,即是說, 現時網絡供應商、數據中心手上的地址用完就無法再補充。 業界預計,歐洲及中東地區的 IPv4 地址也將於今年 7 月派完, 明年中就輪到北美。「基於互聯網在亞太區發展較遲,獲分配的 IP v4 地址本已不及北美多,而中、印近年發展迅速,對 IP 地址的需 求激增,令亞太區的 IPv4 地址最快派完。」由於不能一刀切, 估計 IPv4 及 IPv6 將有機會並存 10 至 15 年。
Jun 6, 2012 Hong Kong’s online community is joining hands with those in the mainland, Taiwan and other markets worldwide as the internet gets reborn today under a new system that provides 160 billion times more web addresses than the previous one. The world’s largest internet service providers (ISPs), leading networking equipment makers and more than 1,500 websites, including those run by Google and Facebook, will permanently enable the next-generation internet protocol, known as IPv6, for their products and services as part of World IPv6 Launch. Read More 「世界 IPv6 啟動」- 政府資訊科技總監辦公室與香港互聯網協會聯手推動(PC Tech) Jun 6, 2012 香港互聯網協會(Internet Society Hong Kong)今天與全球各地的互聯網協會(香港互聯網協會的母會)分會合力,繼續其IPv6World:Asia的倡議,響應推動全球「世界IPv6啟動」活動。環球各地的主要互聯網巨擘如 Google、Facebook 、 Yahoo! 等每天瀏覽量超過十億次的網站、主要互聯網服務供應商、家庭網絡設備廠商,及互聯網內容供應服務商等,在今天起將攜手在其產品及服務上,永久啟動IPv6,象徵著全球互聯網發展已踏入另一個新紀元。而在今天,香港互聯網協會亦推出「IPv6全攻略」手冊,協助本地中小企及個人用戶過渡至互聯網新世代。 Read More 企業作好內外準備 盡握IPv6新機遇 (Captial Weekly) May 18, 2012 上期文章提及本港政府與大型商業機構正積極部署 IPv6 的過渡, 希望將香港帶到全新的互聯網時代。 其實,除了大企業外, 佔本港商 業單位總數 98% 以上、聘用超過 120 萬人的三十萬家本地中小企 業 , 更應盡快了解及採取支援 IPv6 之升級工序, 以把握未來更倚靠互聯網來營商環境下的商機 。 Read More
Cloud Security Alliance launches Hong Kong Macau chapter (Asia Cloud Forum) May 17, 2012 Aiming to promote security best practices among cloud service providers, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) opened its Hong Kong and Macau Chapter on Thursday. This follows the launch of the Cloud Security Alliance Australia chapter yesterday on Queensland’s Gold Coast. CSA is a non-profit organization with more than 330,000 individual members across 60 chapters around the world. The key goals of the local chapter are to enhance user confidence in cloud security, facilitate training and to encourage professional discussion to influence security practices in cloud computing deployments. Read More UPCOMING EVENTS SUPPORTED BY ISOC HK EMC Forum 2012 Hong Kong (Jun 22) EMC Forum is a chance to create a vision for your future, by learning how cloud can transform your IT, and how Big Data can transform your business. This is a unique opportunity to transform yourself – by exploring EMC’s newest breakthrough products and solutions, to meet-ups with some of the industry’s most influential thought leaders, EMC Forum can help you transform and realize the benefits of delivering IT-As-A-Service. BE OUR MEMBER Get the most up-to-date discount, news and events. |