「岑敖暉收律政司信件 要求移除周梓樂之死文章」—— 證禁制令繼續衝擊網絡自由​

“Lester Shum asked by DoJ to remove article about the death of Alex Chow” — a proof that online freedom of speech remains under attack by the injunction


我們擔憂政府可以透過濫用禁制令廣泛而含糊不清的條文,威脅香港資訊流通的自由,因此我們當時入稟覆核禁制令。然而,我們對於律政司在法庭釐清禁制令後,指控岑敖暉煽動暴力,要求他移除文章感到失望。我們亦十分擔憂律政司的行動將擴大寒蟬效應和白色恐怖,進一步摧毀我們在網上發表言論的自由 —— 我們不應忍受政府不斷擴張的審查力量。


Although the court narrowed the scope, and clarified that only those with the intent and purpose to incite violence will be found guilty after our civil action challenging the injunction, the letter received by Lester Shum requiring removal of the article about Alex Chow’s death proves that online freedom of speech is still under attack. 

We had been concerned that the government could abuse the injunction’s broad and vague language and threaten freedom of speech online; therefore, we took the civil action to challenge the order. We are disappointed about the Department of Justice’s claim that Lester Shum’s article incites violence and requires removal of the article after the court’s clarification, and we are deeply worried that the chilling effect amplified by the Department of Justice’s action will further stifle our freedom to express ourselves online. We must not endure the expansion of the government’s censorship power. 

Thanks to your support, we have a remaining amount of around HKD 1.3 million from the crowdfunding campaign for the civil action against the injunction that can support necessary actions to fight against threats imposed by the government on freedom of speech online. Regarding the Department of Justice’s action of requiring removal of the article, we are in discussion with our legal team about any possible legal actions. We will stay vigilant to guard our free and open Internet and we call upon you to join the efforts.