What is IPv6World.Asia?
About the need for IPv6
IPv4 has approximately four billion IP addresses (the sequence of numbers assigned to each Internet-connected device). The explosion in the number of people, devices and web services on the Internet means that IPv4 is running out of space. IPv6, the new Internet protocol, which provides many billion times bigger address space, will connect the billions of people not connected today and will help ensure the Internet can continue to grow at an ever increasing rate.
With IPv4 addresses running out this year, the industry must act quickly to do full IPv6 adoption or risk not being able to communicate with growing number of Internet users who have IPv6 addresses only. We should help, not only motivate
companies to prepare their services for IPv6, but also provide assistance and useful information on how to deploy IPv6 effectively and efficiently.
Target Participants
All companies which are using or providing services via Internet including ISPs, content providers, cloud services providers, large enterprises and SMEs. CIOs/CTOs & Network/Systems Managers/Engineers.
Our partners/ co-hosts on IPv6World.Asia
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)
DotAsia Organisation (DotAsia)
Hong Kong Cyberport Management (Cyberport)
Hong Kong Internet Exchange (HKIX)
Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Assocation (HKISPA)
IPv6 Forum Hong Kong
Our past IPv6World.Asia events/activities
Feb 2011 |
A full day IPv6 Transition Keynote speaker: Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief |
Nov 2010 |
IPv6 Talk: Intelligence at the Edge: Speaker:Fred |
Aug 2010 |
Hong Kong as remote participation |
Jun 2010 |
APNIC IPv6 Training in Hong Kong |
Apr 2010 |
INET Asia – Morning Session: Speaker: Paul Wilson, Director General, APNIC |
Apr 2010 |
IPv6 Hong Kong |
Mar 2010 |
Joint IPv6 Evening Seminar with IET-Informatics |
Feb 2010 |
IPv6World.Asia Talk : Security |
Nov 2009 |
IPv6World.Asia Conference |
Jun 2009 & 2008 |
APNIC IPv6 Training |
Feb 2008 |
IPv6 Working Group formed (Convener: Che-Hoo Cheng) |
Jun 2007 |
APNIC IPv6 training |