Hong Kong Internet Governance Forum (HKIGF) Fake news law: effective to combat disinformation online?立法打擊假新聞,效用大唔大? The HKSAR government is considering to implement “fake news” law to combat disinformation, especially on online media platforms and social media, due to the appearance of a considerable amount of misinformation and disinformation online. However, some voiced out it might undermine…
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Internet Society Hong Kong’s concerns over the Anti-doxxing bill
The HKSAR government gazetted amendments to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) against doxxing (anti-doxxing bill) on 16th June, 2021, and the first reading and debate took place in legislature on 21st July, 2021 (Wednesday). Internet Society Hong Kong is concerned over the new anti-doxxing bill, while we acknowledge the importance of protecting citizens’ privacy,…
Read more香港互聯網協會對《私隱條例》修例的關注及憂慮
香港特區政府於 2021 件 6 月 16 日刊憲,將在 2021 年 7 月 21 日(星期三)進行有關《私隱條例》草案修訂之首讀及開始二讀辯論。香港互聯網協會對此表示關注及憂慮,保障個人私隱是對社會有益的倡議,但協會認為是次修例賦予私隱專員過大權力,將影響本港的資訊自由,與國際社會多年一直推動開放、不受限制的互聯網的理念背道而馳。
Read moreResponse to the Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards
Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOCHK) believes that the proposed Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards is damaging to Hong Kong’s reputation as a role model in the field of telecommunication policy. We oppose the proposed Programme and recommend a complete withdrawal of the Programme.
Read more[Members Only] NOTICE OF AGM 2020 AND ELECTION
FOR ISOC HK MEMBERS ONLY NOTICE OF AGM 2020 AND ELECTION The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Internet Society Hong Kong Limited will be held on 22-Dec-2020 (Tuesday). The Election of the Board of Directors will be held in the AGM. Five seats of the Board will be opened for election, with four seats for…
Read more什麽是「路由安全共同協議規範」Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS)?
路由系統是全球網絡基礎設施的重要一部分;不良分子可以透過騎劫路由器 (route hijacking)、路由洩漏 (route leaks)、欺騙網絡協定地址 (IP Address spoofing)等發起分散式阻斷服務攻擊 (DDOS) 及其他攻擊網絡服務的手段。因此,路由系統的保安和韌性(reslience) 至關重要。
Read more什麽是社區網絡 (Community Networks)?
很多人以爲互聯網必須由互聯網服務供應商 (ISP) 提供。其實,你也可以”自己動手”建造網絡。
Read more香港互聯網協會就立法會工商事務委員會2020年6月16日會議議程「香港的創新科技發展及再工業化政策」的意見書
Read moreEncryption Matters
The Internet has become an inseparable part of our life, and the online and offline world are more intertwined than ever. Yet, most of us are unaware of online safety, just like things as simple as not leaving our wallet unattended in the public in the offline world.
Read more「岑敖暉收律政司信件 要求移除周梓樂之死文章」—— 證禁制令繼續衝擊網絡自由
“Lester Shum asked by DoJ to remove article about the death of Alex Chow” — a proof that online freedom of speech remains under attack by the injunction
儘管在我們入稟覆核政府的禁制令後,法庭頒令收窄範圍,釐清在執行上必須要確保發布及散播內容人士是有意圖煽動暴力,但是岑敖暉收到律政司信件,被要求移除有關周梓樂之死的文章一事,證明網絡自由繼續受到衝擊。 我們擔憂政府可以透過濫用禁制令廣泛而含糊不清的條文,威脅香港資訊流通的自由,因此我們當時入稟覆核禁制令。然而,我們對於律政司在法庭釐清禁制令後,指控岑敖暉煽動暴力,要求他移除文章感到失望。我們亦十分擔憂律政司的行動將擴大寒蟬效應和白色恐怖,進一步摧毀我們在網上發表言論的自由 —— 我們不應忍受政府不斷擴張的審查力量。 多得各位參與眾籌,我們入稟覆核後仍餘下大約港幣一百三十萬,可以用於對抗政府威脅網絡及言論自由的舉動。針對律政司要求移除文章,我們正在與律師團隊商討任何可能的法律行動。我們會繼續保持警惕,維護開放和自由的網絡;我們亦呼籲你一起並肩捍衛網絡及言論自由。 Although the court narrowed the scope, and clarified that only those with the intent and purpose to incite violence will be found guilty after our civil action challenging the injunction, the letter received by Lester Shum requiring removal of the article about Alex Chow’s death proves that online freedom of speech is…
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