World Internet Developer Summit 2013 Get ready for Hong Kong’s signature World Internet Developer Summit! Hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong, Cyberport and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the action-packed two-day summit is the annual and signature cross-platform developer summit in the region. Get connected with the greatest minds in the industry…
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「大數據、網絡間諜與資訊保安」研討會 大數據(big data)是近年互聯網應用的新趨勢,應用層面由社交活動、通訊聯繫、市場趨勢研究、以至國防保安,除了要迅速處理和分析海量數據外,防範資料被網絡間諜監聽和保障企業及個人私隱也是非常重要。最近被國際關注的監聽事件曝光,喚醒了大眾對防止大數據受網絡間諜侵略和資訊保安的意識。我們邀請了經驗豐富的資訊保安專家從多角度分析大數據環境下的資訊保安趨勢,並探討如何防禦網絡間諜和黑客攻擊。 大數據、網絡間諜與資訊保安 日期: 2013年6月22日(六) 時間: 下午2時30分 – 4時30分 地點: 香港理工大學Y座李兆基樓 Y305室 語言: 廣東話 登記: 請按這裡 Speakers 莫乃光先生 立法會 (資訊科技界) 議員 宋德嘉先生 香港互聯網協會網絡保安及私隱小組召集人 楊和生先生 專業資訊保安協會無線保安工作小組主席
Read moreStartLab.HK: The First Startup Bootcamp for Tertiary Students
StartLab Hong Kong: The First Startup Bootcamp for Tertiary Students & Graduates in Hong Kong! StartLab Hong Kong ( is the first bootcamp target specifically at tertiary students and graduates (within 2 years) with the supports by 6 universities in Hong Kong. It is also the first bootcamp with the 5-day format in Hong…
Read moreIPv6 Forum Certified Course (Gold Level) in Hong Kong (May-Jun 2013)
Become an “IPv6 Forum Certified Engineer” now! IPv6 Forum Certified Course (Gold Level) in Hong Kong This IPv6 Forum Certified Course (Gold Level) is recognized and certified by IPv6 Forum. This is the first such course in Hong Kong jointly hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong and IPv6 Now. The program will feature content of real-world IPv6 concepts and deployment techniques. The…
Read moreHow does Internet Freedom Matter to You? (16 Apr 13)
HOW DOES INTERNET FREEDOM MATTER TO YOU? – Internet Governance and Freedom beyond WCIT Cyber Security, Privacy and Internet Freedom are cornerstones of the life of the Internet. In Dec 2012, the ITU facilitated the The World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT-12). WCIT-12 was to review and update the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITR)…
Read moreStartLab.HK 香港創業實驗室
StartLab Hong Kong aims at fostering startups and its ecosystem in Hong Kong. We are the first startup bootcamp for tertiary students & graduates in Hong Kong. We target students and graduates within two years, who study design and engineering or computer science or with related knowledge, want to start their own businesses, are willing…
Read moreProtecting Security and Privacy on the Cloud (21st Mar)
Cloud computing allows people to access services any time, on any device around the world. It improved cost-savings and efficiency. However, it bring about threats due to attacks, abuse of use and security and privacy issues. You are the first line of defense over these threats. Protect yourself now and reduce the risk of being…
Read moreThe First IPv6 Forum Certified Course – Gold Level (5-8 Mar, 2013)
The First IPv6 Forum Certified Course (Gold Level) in Hong Kong This IPv6 Forum Certified Course (Gold Level) is recognised and certified by IPv6 Forum. This is the first course in Hong Kong jointly hosted by Internet Society Hong Kong and IPv6 Now. The program will feature content of real-world IPv6 concepts and deployment techniques. The program will also incorporate…
Read moreIPv6 In Action Project | 啟動IPv6計劃
The “IPv6 In Action” Project aims to help the general public and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to better understand the IPv4 address space exhaustion situation and to raise their awareness of IPv6. Sponsored by The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), the project is organised by the Internet Society Hong Kong and…
Read moreMeeting with Hon. Charles Mok, Legislative Councilor (IT)
Meeting with Hon. Charles Mok, Legislative Councilor (IT) & Guided Tour in the new LegCo Complex We, the Internet Society Hong Kong advocate a free and open Internet by actively engaging in the consultation of Internet governance or related policies to uphold the freedom of expression and opinion. To get our voice heard and put…
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