Get connected with the greatest minds in the industry with the latest Internet development, news, various development platform techniques, hints and tips. Prominent speakers around the world are coming all together with motivating and inspirational talks and workshops. Hundreds of developers will gather at the summit to meet, learn and exchange experiences and ideas on different development platform / environment.
The main theme of the event is big data: Cloud - scale your application to million users. It will be divided into two parts: conference and workshops. The workshops will provide a two way communication platform for developers to obtain hands-on experience in small groups to learn new technique, share experience and exchange ideas.
World Internet Developer Summit 2013
Date: 27-28 June 2013
Venue: 27 June at Cyberport, 28 June at Hong Kong Science Park
Keynote Speakers
Ben Luk
Google APAC Geo Lead
Google Maps: Exploring the Possibilities
Ben Luk is in charge of all Google Maps products across the APAC region, with a focus on
Greater China. As one of the pioneers for Google Maps in Hong Kong, Ben is an instrumental
part of the mobile applications team and works on mobile local search, including location
queries and map view. He works closely with Google Mobile Maps teams in the region and
Mountain View, to deliver the best Maps services for users in the region. Since joining
Google in 2003, Ben has been involved in key Geo initiatives such as maps services in
Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Dr. Lei Gao
Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
The Evolution of LinkedIn's Data Infrastructure Technologies (Slides)
Dr. Lei Gao joined LinkedIn in 2009 and he currently leads the Project-Voldemort
(an open-sourced highly available, scalable, and eventually consistent key-value store) team.
Other projects he worked on at LinkedIn include DataBus, LinkedIn's low latency change data
capture system, and Consistency-Aware Data Service Router. Prior to joining LinkedIn, Lei Gao
was a key contributor to Oracle Streams/XStream, Oracle's high performance multi-master data
replication solution.
Josh Aberant
Twitter Postmaster
Case Study: Building Messaging and Personalization at Scale
Josh serves as Postmaster at Twitter where his work is focused on scaling email notifications
and messaging services to improve user engagement while optimizing relevance and deliverability.
Email is a key channel within the Twitter platform and is how hundreds of millions of users stay
connected with their @mentions, retweets and favorites. Josh also manages relationships with
ISPs and inbox providers that receive Twitter messages. Josh joined the flock when Twitter
acquired the RestEngine team, a startup he co-founded and boostrapped to profitability. RestEngine
created and launched a social outbound marketing automation platform for Facebook apps.
Prior to RestEngine, Josh led building of the outbound deliverability systems for marketing
automation company Marketo, which recently went IPO.
Britt Selvitelle
Early Engineer at Twitter (Founding Team)
Volunteer Engineer at Obama for America
The Love and Science behind the Growth of Twitter (Slides)
Britt Selvitelle was one of the founding engineers at Twitter, where he helped scale the
company both technically and socially for 5 years, from 2007 to 2011. Most recently he spent
time working with the Obama campaign to ensure the system could handle the fast increasing
traffic as the election drew near.
By simply attending the conference you will have the chance to win a Blackberry 10 device —
Z10 and
limited souvenirs from Apple, Facebook, Google and Yahoo!
Keynote: Google Maps: Exploring the Possibilities
Ben Luk
Google APAC Geo Lead
Ben Luk is in charge of all Google Maps products across the APAC region, with a focus on
Greater China. As one of the pioneers for Google Maps in Hong Kong, Ben is an instrumental
part of the mobile applications team and works on mobile local search, including location
queries and map view. He works closely with Google Mobile Maps teams in the region and
Mountain View, to deliver the best Maps services for users in the region. Since joining
Google in 2003, Ben has been involved in key Geo initiatives such as maps services in
Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Keynote: The Evolution of LinkedIn's Data Infrastructure Technologies
Dr. Lei Gao
Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Dr. Lei Gao joined LinkedIn in 2009 and he currently leads the Project-Voldemort
(an open-sourced highly available, scalable, and eventually consistent key-value store) team.
Other projects he worked on at LinkedIn include DataBus, LinkedIn's low latency change data
capture system, and Consistency-Aware Data Service Router. Prior to joining LinkedIn, Lei Gao
was a key contributor to Oracle Streams/XStream, Oracle's high performance multi-master data
replication solution.
Keynote: Case Study: Building Messaging and Personalization at Scale
Josh Aberant
Twitter Postmaster
Josh serves as Postmaster at Twitter where his work is focused on scaling email notifications
and messaging services to improve user engagement while optimizing relevance and deliverability.
Email is a key channel within the Twitter platform and is how hundreds of millions of users stay
connected with their @mentions, retweets and favorites. Josh also manages relationships with
ISPs and inbox providers that receive Twitter messages. Josh joined the flock when Twitter
acquired the RestEngine team, a startup he co-founded and boostrapped to profitability. RestEngine
created and launched a social outbound marketing automation platform for Facebook apps.
Prior to RestEngine, Josh led building of the outbound deliverability systems for marketing
automation company Marketo, which recently went IPO.
Keynote: The Love and Science behind the Growth of Twitter
Britt Selvitelle
Early Engineer at Twitter (Founding Team)
Volunteer Engineer at Obama for America
Britt Selvitelle was one of the founding engineers at Twitter, where he helped scale the
company both technically and socially for 5 years, from 2007 to 2011. Most recently he spent
time working with the Obama campaign to ensure the system could handle the fast increasing
traffic as the election drew near.
Presentation: Square: A Low Cost, Simple, Point of Sale System using Your Phone
Paul McKellar
Founding team member, Square
Paul is a an entrepreneur and programmer based out of San Francisco. Recently, he has been
acting as an EIR at SVAngel, the very prolific angel investment firm of Ron Conway. Previously,
Paul was part of the founding team at Square where he worked on product development and
engineering. Paul first came out to the valley through Y Combinator where he created multiple
Facebook applications which grew to millions of users.
Presentation: Windows Azure and the Cloud Computing Opportunity for Developers
Matt Valentine
Enterprise Solution Director, Microsoft Hong Kong
Matt Valentine is the Enterprise Solution Director for Microsoft Hong Kong. Matt has over
20 years of IT industry experience delivering business applications around the world at
AT&T, IBM, ATG and Microsoft. Key projects have included distributed computing
applications at telecommunications and insurance companies, development of several of the
world’s largest travel e-commerce web sites, and product marketing and management. Matt
joined Microsoft’s world headquarters in Redmond, WA, 2003, where he led product management,
marketing and strategy for server software and online services before joining Microsoft Hong
Kong in 2011.
Presentation: The BlackBerry Opportunity
Alan Wong
Application Development Manager, APAC, BlackBerry
As part of BlackBerry’s Developer Relations organization, Alan is responsible for managing
the technical relationships with BlackBerry’s developer community. Alan focuses specifically
in the Asia Pacific region to provide support and guidance to mobile developers, as they work
to integrate their applications onto the BlackBerry platform. During the recent years, Alan
has spent a great deal of time focusing on both the C++ and HTML5/WebWorks platform.
Presentation: Porting to the Web: An Introduction to Emscripten
Ting-Yuan Huang
Software Engineer, Mozilla
Ting-Yuan Huang is a senior software engineer in Mozilla. He joined Mozilla and engaged
in the B2G project since October 2012. He's working on performance tuning and memory saving
currently. Before joining Mozilla, he was the leader of the virtual machine team of Mstar
Semiconductor and worked on Java Virtual Machine and compilers.
Presentation: Agility in the Cloud Era
Lasse Koskela
Product Development Coach, Reaktor
Lasse Koskela calls himself an agile product design and development coach. With his
experience in coaching and consulting companies in applying agile methodologies and
engineering practices, he’s actively helped companies evolve and reorganize to improve
their productivity and return on investment. Working at Reaktor he gets his kicks from product
owners raving about how much cash flow they created with just two weeks of work and from seeing
team members find new meaning and purpose in what they do. Sometimes, and he’d like it to happen
more often, he gets additional kicks from pushing code to GitHub.
Presentation: Web Accessibility
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administaive Region
Elke Mak
Systems Manager of Digital Inclusion Division, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of the HKSAR
The Digital Inclusion Division of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer has been
actively supporting the development of Hong Kong as an inclusive and knowledge-based society. It
formulates strategies and implements digital inclusion programmes to drive wider adoption and more
innovative use of information and communications technology (ICT) by the needy groups including
students from low-income families, persons with disabilities and the elderly with an aim to encourage
their social participation and enhance their quality of life through the use of ICT.
Ms Elke Mak is now implementing the territory-wide “Web Accessibility Campaign” including a recognition
scheme to promote and encourage wider adoption of web accessibility design in both public and private
sectors in Hong Kong to facilitate persons with disabilities to access online information and services.
Workshop: Make your own Maps & StreetView (with Google Maps API)
Google Developer Group Hong Kong
Homing Tam
Committee Member, Google Developer Group Hong Kong
Homing has been using Google Maps API since his undergraduate. He has been developing mobile &
web applications using the Maps API, serving corporate employees and individuals. His expertise
include GIS (Geographic Information System) & GPS integration. In recognition of Homing’s experience
in Maps API development, Google has awarded him the Google Developer Expert, one of the three in
the world, in 2012. Recently, he has been certified as a Google Trusted Photographer, which is the
first in Hong Kong, to help business owners take StreetView-like panoramic photos and published
in the public Google Maps.
Workshop: Introduction to BlackBerry 10 App Development
Alan Wong
Application Development Manager, APAC, BlackBerry
As part of BlackBerry’s Developer Relations organization, Alan is responsible for managing
the technical relationships with BlackBerry’s developer community. Alan focuses specifically
in the Asia Pacific region to provide support and guidance to mobile developers, as they work
to integrate their applications onto the BlackBerry platform. During the recent years, Alan
has spent a great deal of time focusing on both the C++ and HTML5/WebWorks platform.
Workshop: Everything you need to know to meet Windows Azure
Danny Mak
Architect Evangelist, Microsoft
Danny is a veteran in IT industry and is responsible for evangelizing Microsoft’s cloud platform to
developers. As an Architect Evangelist at Microsoft, his expertise area is the Azure platform. Before
joining Microsoft, he has worked in both management consulting and software development industries in
Hong Kong, Canada and the United States. Danny has a MBA degree from HKUST and a Software Engineering
bachelor degree from University of Waterloo.
Sponsorship Opportunity
Connect with your target audience by sponsoring the World Internet Developers Summit.
Sponsors can choose from many levels of sponsorship options. For more information,
please contact us at
Diamond Sponsorship: HKD 80,000
Diamond Sponsors receives maximum recognition and profile throughout the summit. As a
major event sponsor, it is a great way to distinguish your leadership, network, show your
organization’s industry involvement and speak at the summit.
Diamond Sponsorship also includes:
- A prominent speaking role at the event*
- Conduct one workshop with hands-on practice
- Five complimentary tickets for workshops
- Insert one leaflet into the seminar welcome kit
- Large and prominent logo positioning and sponsorship mentioning on printed materials and venue production
- Large and prominent logo positioning and linkage on event website and e-mail announcements
- Distribution of company-supplied gift (e.g.: bags, mouse pads, pens, etc.) during registration
- Pre-emption of sponsorship of event satchel, T-shirt, souvenirs (e.g.: pen, memo), lanyard etc.
Gold Sponsorship: HKD 50,000
Gold Sponsors can increase your organization’s visibility by distributing your marketing
materials at the summit and on the event’s promotional materials.
Gold Sponsorship includes:
- Send one representative as panelist at panel discussion
- Three complimentary tickets for workshop
- Insert one leaflet into the seminar welcome kit
- Large and prominent logo positioning and sponsorship mentioning on printed materials and venue production
- Large and prominent logo positioning and linkage on event website and e-mail announcements
- Distribution of company-supplied gift (e.g.: bags, mouse pads, pens, etc) during registration
Silver Sponsorship: HKD 30,000
Silver Sponsors can provide exposure of your organization in the seminar’s marketing promotion.
Silver Sponsorship includes:
- One complimentary ticket for workshop
- Insert one leaflet into the seminar welcome kit
- Logo positioning and sponsorship mentioning on printed materials and venue production
- Logo positioning and linkage on event website and e-mail announcements
Welcome Reception Sponsorship: HKD 100,000
Your company will be recognized as a sponsor of the Welcome Reception for an estimation
of 300-500 developers. You will have a chance to speak at the reception and appropriate
signage can be positioned in the reception room.
Welcome Reception Sponsorship includes:
- Speech at sponsored Reception Event and exhibition of company name and logo*
- Five complimentary tickets for workshop
- Five invitations to the Welcome Reception Event
- Insert one leaflet into the seminar welcome kit
- Logo positioning and sponsorship mentioning on printed materials and venue production
- Logo positioning and linkage on event website and e-mail announcements
(*Speaker’s topic and presentation content must be agreed by the program team. Sales and marketing is prohibited.)
Date: 27 – 28 June, 2013 (Thu – Fri)
27 June — Cyberport (Ocean View Court, The Arcade, Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong) (map)
28 June — Hong Kong Science Park (Charles K Kao Auditorium, Phase 2, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, Hong Kong) (map)
27 June |
Cyberport |
09:15 (sharp) |
Shuttle bus departing from Admiralty
Address: G/F, Tower 2, Admiralty Centre, Drake St, Admiralty (Entrance of Café de Coral)
09:30 – 10:00 |
Registration & Networking
10:00 – 10:10 |
Welcome and Greetings
Mr. SC Leung, Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong
Guest of Honour
Miss Joey Lam, JP,
Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community),
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of the HKSAR
Officiating Guests
Mr. Herman Lam, CEO, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd
Mr. Anthony Tan, CEO, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
10:10 – 10:20 |
Why World Internet Developer Summit?
Ben Cheng, Convener, Internet Application Development, Internet Society Hong Kong
10:20 – 11:05 |
Ben Luk, APAC Geo Lead, Google
Keynote: Google Maps: Exploring the Possibilities
11:05 – 11:50 |
Dr. Lei Gao, Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Keynote: The Evolution of LinkedIn's Data Infrastructure Technologies
11:50 – 12:45 |
Panel Discussion: Big Data – Opportunity and Threat?
Hon. Charles Mok, Legislative Councilor (IT) (Moderator)
- Josh Aberant, Postmaster, Twitter
- Matt Valentine, Enterprise Solution Director, Microsoft Hong Kong
12:45 – 14:00 |
Lunch and Network Hours
Light lunch will be provided.
14:00 – 14:45 |
Josh Aberant, Postmaster, Twitter
Keynote: Case Study: Building Messaging and Personalization at Scale
14:45 – 15:00 |
Elke Mak, Systems Manager of Digital Inclusion Division, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of the HKSAR
Topic: Web Accessibility
15:00 – 15:20 |
Tea Break |
15:20 – 16:05 |
Paul McKellar, Founding team member, Square
Topic: Square: A Low Cost, Simple, Point of Sale System using Your Phone
16:05 – 16:40 |
Question and Answer — Lei, Josh and Paul
16:40 – 16:50 |
Lucky Draw
17:30 |
Shuttle bus departing from Cyberport
28 June |
Hong Kong Science Park |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Registration & Networking
09:30 – 09:40 |
Welcome and Greetings
Prof. Joseph Ng, Vice-Chairman, Internet Society Hong Kong
Guest of Honour
Hon. Charles Mok, Legislative Councilor (IT)
Officiating Guests
Mr. Anthony Tan, CEO, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Mr. David Chung, CTO, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd
09:40 – 10:25 |
Britt Selvitelle, Early Engineer at Twitter (Founding Team)/Volunteer Engineer at Obama for America
Keynote: The Love and Science behind the Growth of Twitter
10:25 – 11:05 |
Matt Valentine, Enterprise Solution Director, Microsoft Hong Kong
Topic: Windows Azure and the Cloud Computing Opportunity for Developers
11:05 – 11:25 |
Alan Wong, Application Development Manager, APAC, BlackBerry
Topic: The Blackberry Opportunity
11:25 – 11:40 |
Tea Break |
11:40 – 12:20 |
Ting-Yuan Huang, Software Engineer, Mozilla
Topic: Porting to the Web: An Introduction to Emscripten
12:20 – 12:50 |
Lasse Koskela, Product Development Coach, Reaktor
Topic: Agility in the Cloud Era
12:50 – 13:15 |
Question & Answer — Britt, Alan, Ting and Lasse |
13:15 |
Lucky Draw |
15:00 – 18:00 (2-3 hrs, depends) |
Concurrent workshops (Conference Halls 04-07, Hong Kong Science Park)
Google Maps: Make your own Maps & StreetView (with Google Maps API)
(Conference Hall, Hong Kong Science Park)
Blackberry: Introduction to BlackBerry 10 App Development
(Conference Hall, Hong Kong Science Park)
Microsoft: Everything You Need to Know to Meet Windows Azure
(Conference Hall, Hong Kong Science Park)
18:30 – 20:30 |
Co-locate Event:
WIDS × StartLab – Meet Startup Pioneers from Silicon Valley
Networking event at The Good Lab, Cheung Sha Wan
Note: The above agenda is subject to change and without prior notice.
Thank you for your interest in World Internet Developer Summit. Our registration is closed now.
Thank you for your interest in World Internet Developer Summit. Our registration is closed now.