Get connected with the greatest minds in the industry with the latest Internet development, news, various development platform techniques, hints and tips. Prominent speakers around the world are coming all together with motivating and inspirational talks and workshops. Hundreds of developers will gather at the summit to meet, learn and exchange experiences and ideas on different development platform / environment.
The event will be divided into two tracks: main track conference and parallel track workshops and seminar. While main track conference will consist of international tech companies presenting state of the art technologies and experience sharing, parallel track seminars and workshops will provide a two way communication platform for local developers to obtain hands-on experience in small groups.
World Internet Developer Summit 2016
Date: 7 - 8 Jun 2016
Venue: Cyberport
Keynote: Dynamic Growth with Elasticsearch Architecture
Supporting dynamic growth with the Elastic stack
Christian Strzadala
Software Engineer, Elastic
Software engineer that's worked in a variety of roles from large corporations to smaller start ups. Interested in developing high performance applications for businesses in both client and server environments and large scale web applications. Has a passion for software development in particular search and big data solutions and practices in managing software development teams. Loves to continue learning about programming languages, new technology and programming principles and concepts. Currently working for Elastic in the Elastic Cloud team to deliver hosted Elastic Stack solutions.
Keynote: DevOps at Scale: A True Story
DevOps represents a transformational shift in the way the software industry produces and delivers software. While the benefits are many, the road to DevOps for an established organization can be a long one filled with surprises and challenges. Microsoft’s Developer Division, has been on a multi-year journey to become more agile and accelerate from shipping once every two years to shipping multiple times per year in a true DevOps fashion. This session will provide insights into the changes and investments made along the way, demonstrations of how the team makes use of Visual Studio Team Services to manage their software development projects, and practical lessons you can apply to your own team’s journey.
Andy Cheung
Partner Business Evangelist, Microsoft Hong Kong
Andy Cheung is working at Microsoft Hong Kong as a Partner Business Evangelist, focusing on driving Cloud Computing adoption among ISVs on Microsoft Azure. Andy is also working on Windows 10 app ecosystem across phone, tablet, PC, XBox, HoloLens and IoT devices. Before joining Microsoft, Andy was the Data System Architect in and was awarded Microsoft MVP for 3 consecutive years.
Davide Benvegnù
Founder & CTO, DBTek
Davide Benvegnù is the Founder, Director and CTO of DBTek Limited, a Software House and IT consultancy company in Hong Kong. Previously he has been the International Development Manager for Aruba, the biggest italian web services provider.
With over 13 years of experience in software development and IT, currently he is responsible for the management of software development and all other company technical activities, he works with Azure and does ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). In the past, in addition to software development, he has also managed and coordinated the systems administration and dealt with virtualization and consolidation of entire DataCenters.
He has been awarded by Microsoft with the MVP (Most Valuable Professional) title in 2015 and 2016 consecutively. Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVPs, are community leaders who have demonstrated an exemplary experience with Microsoft technologies, exceptional passion, real-world knowledge and excellentt technical expertise. There are only 6 MVPs in Hong Kong and Davide is the only one who has been awarded in the category “Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management”.
Having previously worked as International Development Manager in the biggest Italian Service Provider company “”, Davide has had the opportunity to deal with complex enterprises IT scenarios. He has also worked in many different IT-related roles, so he is very versatile as his knowledge ranges from software development to systems management; database administration to project management; teaching to team building and management. These multiple skills are very rare because the IT professionals are usually specialised only on one single topic).
He is one of the founders of “HKMSC” (Hong Kong Microsoft Community) and he is a member of the staff of DotNetToscana, an Italian official Microsoft Technical Community, where he helps to organize events and does some speeches to technical conferences about .Net and Microsoft technology stack. He is also a member of GetLatestVersion, the Italian community about ALM.
Davide has several IT-related certifications (issued by international companies recognized as world leaders like VMware, Veeam, Microsoft and others). He also has an entrepreneurial mindset and has achieved an e-learning Master in “Business Management and Strategy” issued by the “Il Sole 24 Ore Business School”.
He is a speaker at international technical conferences in Hong Kong, Italy and the US and he has been invited to have a speech at the “CityU Apps Lab”, the department of City University of Hong Kong related to mobile apps and software development. He has also been invited several times to be a speaker at events organized by the Hong Kong Computer Society.
Keynote: Building Microservices Architectures in Go
Traditionally applications have been built as monoliths; single applications which become larger and more complex over time, which limit our ability to react to change. An example of this is the banking industry where mergers and acquisitions between banks have lead to a patchwork of different systems & technologies that cost billions of dollars per year to maintain. As a result, the pace of innovation in the banking industry has slowed to a crawl.
At Mondo we're building a new kind of bank, a smart bank that belongs in the 21st century, and we’re building it almost entirely in Go. This talk will cover how we’re developing new core banking systems from scratch backed by a microservice platform written in Go, running across multiple data centres using open source frameworks and tools including Docker and Mesos. We'll look at why Go is perfectly suited to this, our architectural decisions, common pitfalls to avoid, and how microservice architectures can vastly increase both the velocity of development teams and the scalability and fault tolerance of our systems.Traditionally applications have been built as monoliths; single applications which become larger and more complex over time, which limit our ability to react to change. An example of this is the banking industry where mergers and acquisitions between banks have lead to a patchwork of different systems & technologies that cost billions of dollars per year to maintain. As a result, the pace of innovation in the banking industry has slowed to a crawl.
At Mondo we're building a new kind of bank, a smart bank that belongs in the 21st century, and we’re building it almost entirely in Go. This talk will cover how we’re developing new core banking systems from scratch backed by a microservice platform written in Go, running across multiple data centres using open source frameworks and tools including Docker and Mesos. We'll look at why Go is perfectly suited to this, our architectural decisions, common pitfalls to avoid, and how microservice architectures can vastly increase both the velocity of development teams and the scalability and fault tolerance of our systems.
Matt Heath
Distributed Systems Engineer, Mondo
Matt Heath is an engineer at Mondo, a new kind of digital bank. Having previously worked as the Technical Lead of Hailo's global platform, Matt has an unhealthy obsession for scaling fault tolerant, high volume, distributed systems, and spends his spare time working on open source projects such as Phosphor, a distributed tracing system.
Keynote: Mobile Network Insecurities
An overview of Intercept, Impersonation and Tracking vulnerabilities in GSM networks.
This talk is based on own and other people’s research and meant to explain how vulnerabilities were introduced in the design and architecture phases, and what we can learn from these vulnerabilities.
Chaos Computer Club
Linus Neumann
Computer Hacker & Internet Activist, Spokesperson, Chaos Computer Club, Germany
Linus Neumann is a computer hacker and Internet activist. He is a spokesperson of the German Chaos Computer Club, Europe's largest Hacker organization.
He is an expert in IT security and a former journalist to the independent news outlet
The Chaos Computer Club e. V. (CCC) is Europe's largest association of hackers. For more than thirty years we are providing information about technical and societal issues, such as surveillance, privacy, freedom of information, hacktivism, data security and many other interesting things around technology and hacking issues. As the most influential hacker collective in Europe we organize campaigns, events, lobbying and publications as well as anonymizing services and communication infrastructure. There are many hackerspaces in and around Germany which belong to or share a common bond to the CCC as stated in our hacker ethics.
Seminar: Microsoft Cognitive Services: Give Your Apps a Human Side
Build 'smart' into your apps with this new collection of intelligence and knowledge APIs from Microsoft Cognitive Services and Azure cloud. We will share how to use artificial intelligence and machine learning-based research from Microsoft’s Cognitive Services to give your apps more user friendly and intelligent.
Additive Labs
Thomas Weiss
Founder, Additive Labs
Working with Microsoft technologies for the past 15 years, Thomas provides consulting services in Hong Kong for businesses looking to leverage the Microsoft Azure platform and modernize their IT
Seminar: The Social Science of Internet
Journalism & Media Studies Centre, HKU
Chung-Hong Chan
PhD candidate, Journalism & Media Studies Centre, HKU
Chung-hong "Chainsaw" Chan is a PhD candidate at the Journalism and Media Studies, the University of Hong Kong with a strong interest in computational social science. This talk is about the social science of the internet and why it matters.
Seminar: The 5 Pitfalls of Payment Integration: What to Avoid When Integrating Payments
Design and experience are transforming commerce. The companies who make it easy to check out will succeed at gaining and retaining customers. Join Tim Yu, Lead Sales Engineer for Braintree Payments, as he discusses the Top 5 mistakes companies make with their payments experience looking at the essential steps to reduce cart abandonment and improve conversion.
Tim Yu
Lead Sales Engineer, APAC, Braintree
Tim works with both traditional and next generation businesses to help them to enhance payment experience using emerging payment technologies. With more than 10 years of experience in the IT industry, he is responsible for providing products and solutions services to optimise merchant operations and the expansion of Braintree's business in the APAC region. Prior to Braintree, Tim worked in Oracle and other IT companies, and he has always enjoyed helping businesses to embrace next gen technology and innovation.
Seminar: Data in a New Media
Initium Media
Pili Hu
CTO, Initium Media
Seminar: Lessons of Building a SaaS Engineering Team in Hong Kong
S Loyalty
William Chan
Co-founder, S Loyalty
Seminar: The End of Rails - The Illusion of Stable APIs
Maintaining a stable, mature framework that helps programmers writing applications is one thing. Passing on fatal design flaws and misconceptions from version 1.0 to version 5.0, for the sake of "API stability", is something different. Innovation is what drives every industry, and it might hurt! Here's how technical framework innovation could look like, why we need it, and why clinging to old conventions kills the spirit of excitement.
Workshop: Trailblazer Programming Workshop (Ruby)
Trailblazer is an extension framework on top of Rails. It provides desperately needed, new abstraction layers, decent encapsulation and a better maintainable architecture.
In this workshop we're gonna learn the basics about designing your domain, encapsulating business logic in operations, form objects and view models, and a different take on the persistence layer.
Nick Sutterer
Ruby Architect, TRB, INC
Whenever Open-Source meets deep and profound debates about architecting software, and there's free beers involved, Nick Sutterer must be just around the corner. Say Hi to him, he loves people.
Seminar: The future of EV and Tesla Technology
Kenneth Lui
Head of Sales, Hong Kong & Macau, Tesla
Seminar: Gamifying Open Source
CodeCurisity is the wearable for pushing people to contribute to open source. How can we incentivise people to contribute more? Join Gautam Rege of Josh Software to discuss the power of gamifying open source.
Workshop: Learning Go, on the Go (Go)
Josh Software, India
Gautam Rege
Co-founder, Josh Software, India
Gautam is the co-founder of Josh Software, a 9 year old Indian company that works exclusively in Ruby and Go. In this 16 years professional experience, he has worked with multi-national companies before starting Josh in 2007. He loves to code and organises RubyConf India, GopherCon India - the premier conferences in Ruby and Go in India. He is the author of 2 technical books on Ruby and MongoDB! In his free time, he plays football and basketball and enjoys beer discussions, especially about about entrepreneurship and starting up young.
Workshop: Building Facebook Bot in Python (Bot)
This workshop will demonstrate how to build a Facebook bot using heroku, python flask and with real life examples.
Python Developer
Ho Wa Wong
Python Developer
Ho Wa is a python developer.
Workshop: Rapid Prototyping with FramerJS (Prototyping)
Framer.js is an open source JavaScript framework for rapid prototyping. Framer.js allows you to define animations and interactions, complete with filters, spring physics, 3D effects and more. It's bundled with Framer Generator, an application that allows you to import layers directly out of Photoshop and Sketch.
See here ( for a realtime chat app prototype demo using FramerJS. (iPhone 5 or Desktop only)
Charles Wong
Co-Founder & Software Product Lead, EONIQ
Charles is the Co-Founder of EONIQ and Full Stack Developer in Rails.
Workshop: Docker 101 (Data-science)
In this workshop, I will introduce major components in the Docker ecosystem and how to get started with containers. A Python Web application will be used to illustrate the usage of Docker in the development and deployment process.
Initium Media
Chunliang Lyu
Software Engineer, Initium Media
Chunliang Lyu is a full-stack developer at Initium Media. He is interested in Docker/Scala/ReactJS and believes in the future of artificial intelligence.
Date: 7 – 8 Jun, 2016 (Tue – Wed)
Cyberport (Function Room & Training Room 1-3, L3, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport, Hong Kong) (map)
Route Information – Download PDF
9:30 – 10:00 |
Registration Starts, Networking and Exhibition
10:00 – 10:20 |
Opening Ceremony
10:20 – 11:10 |
(K1) Keynote Session
Topic: Supporting Dynamic Growth with Elasticsearch Architecture
Christian Strzadala, Software Engineer, Elastic
11:10 – 12:00 |
(K2) Keynote Session
Topic: DevOps at Scale: A True Story
Andy Cheung, Partner Business Evangelist, Microsoft Hong Kong
Davide Benvegnu, Director & CTO, DBTek
12:00 – 12:30 |
Panel Discussion
Topic: Web Development Best Practices
12:30 – 13:30 |
Lunch and Networking
13:30 – 14:20 |
(K3) Keynote Session
Topic: Building Microservices Architectures in Go
Matt Heath, Distributed Systems Engineer, Mondo
Function Room |
Training Room 1 |
14:20 – 15:00 |
(A1) Seminar Session
Topic: Microsoft Cognitive Services: Give Your Apps a Human Side
Thomas Weiss, Founder, Additive Labs
(B1) Seminar Session
Topic: The Social Science of Internet
陳電鋸 Chung-Hong Chan, PhD candidate, Journalism & Media Studies Centre, HKU
15:00 – 15:40 |
(A2) Seminar Session
Topic: The 5 Pitfalls of Payment Integration: What to Avoid When Integrating Payments
Tim Yu, Lead Sales Engineer, APAC Braintree
(B2) Seminar Session
Topic: Data in a New Media
Pili Hu, CTO, Initium Media
15:40 – 16:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break
16:00 – 16:40 |
(A3) Seminar Session
Topic: Lessons of Building a SaaS Engineering Team in Hong Kong
William Chan, Co-Founder, S Loyalty
(B3) Seminar Session
Topic: The End of Rails - The Illusion of Stable APIs
Nick Sutterer, Ruby Architect,TRB, INC
16:40 – 17:20 |
(A4) Seminar Session
Topic: The future of EV and Tesla Technology
Kenneth Lui, Head for Sales, Hong Kong & Macau, Tesla
(B4) Seminar Session
Gamifying Open Source
Gautam Rege, Co-founder, Josh Software, India
17:20 – 18:00 |
(K4) Keynote Session
Topic: Mobile Network Insecurities
Linus Neumann, Computer Hacker & Internet Activist, Spokesperson, Chaos Computer Club, Germany
18:00 |
Exhibition & Networking Ends
09:30 – 10:00 |
Registration Starts, Networking and Exhibition
10:00 – 11:30 |
(W2) Workshop
Topic: Learning Go, on the Go (Go)
Gautam Rege, Co-founder, Josh Software, India
(W1) Workshop
Topic: Trailblazer Programming Workshop (Ruby)
Nick Sutterer, Ruby Architect,TRB, INC
11:45 – 13:15 |
(W3) Workshop
Topic: Building Facebook Bot in Python (Bot)
Ho Wa Wong, Python Developer
(W1) Workshop
Topic: Trailblazer Programming Workshop (Ruby)
Nick Sutterer, Ruby Architect,TRB, INC
13:30 – 14:30 |
Lunch & Networking
14:30 – 16:00 |
(W4) Workshop
Topic: Rapid Prototyping with FramerJS (Prototyping)
Charles Wong, Co-Founder & Software Product Lead, EONIQ
16:00 – 16:30 |
Coffee/Tea Break
16:30 – 18:00 |
(W5) Workshop
Topic: Docker 101 (Data-science)
Chunliang Lyu, Software Engineer, Initium Media
18:00 |
Exhibition & Networking Ends
NOTE: The above agenda is subject to change and without prior notice.
NOTE: The majority of all sessions will be conducted in English.
NOTE: Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) reserves the right to make alterations to the content and schedule.