ISOC-HK 2023 AGM Notice
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Internet Society Hong Kong Limited will be held on 5-Feb-2024 (Monday). The Election of the Board of Directors will be held in the AGM. THREE seats of the Board will be opened for election and both Full Member and General Member nominations are welcomed. For joining the election, please fill in the appropriate nomination form and submit the form on or before 29-Jan-2024.
Annual General Meeting 2024
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm (please be punctual)
AGM will be held online and all registered members will be provided with respective meeting link accordingly.
Participants: Internet Society Hong Kong members only
Registration: Please email your name to [email protected] with subject “Registration for AGM 2023”
Agenda of Meeting
1. Confirmation of Agenda
2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Confirmation of Business Report
4. Confirmation of Financial Report
5. Election of Board of Directors
6. Appointment of Auditor
7. AOB
DocumentsThe financial report is password protected. Please reach out to [email protected] for password.
Nomination forms for Full Member
Nomination forms for General Member.
Members can also participate through signing the proxy form.
Nomination Committee
A Nomination Committee was appointed on 31 December 2023. The members are Edmon Chung and Edwin Chu.
Read moreUniversal Acceptance Day Series – Seminar 1
Learn the latest Internet standards & tech requirement due to the evolved domain name system(DNS) and fix your email systems, applications, websites or SaaS!
Date: 30 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30 – 17:30
Venue: The InnoNetwork, Hong Kong Productivity Council, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Language: Cantonese & English
Agenda & Registration:
Fee: Free of Charge
Who shall join us?
Business owners, I.T decision makers, system administrators, software developers, I.T. students, ICT educators
The Internet has changed dramatically over the last decade with multi-lingual and long domain names such as .香港, .在线, .online, .भारत, etc a couple years ago. While the major web browsers and some email clients are already supporting such domains technically, many of the businesses and software developers are still yet to adapt the changes in their I.T solutions, which in turn hinder users from accessing their services. The DNS will soon face another boom of Top-Level Domains with the next round of New gTLD program launching. To make sure your applications/systems are compatible, competitive and inclusive, learn about how to become UA-ready now!
This seminar will inform you about:
- Business opportunities of the second round of new generic Top-Level Domains (new gTLD) program
- Why do you need to achieve Universal Acceptance and what it takes
- Technical requirements & relevant Internet standards about Universal Acceptance
The DNS will soon face another boom of Top-Level Domains with the next round of New gTLD program launching. To make sure your applications/systems are compatible, competitive and inclusive, learn about how to become UA-ready now!
This seminar is part of the Universal Acceptance event series organized by Internet Society Hong Kong and sponsored by ICANN to echo the inaugural UA Day (28 Mar 2023) in raising Universal Acceptance (UA) awareness around the world and locally so to encourage UA adoption with key stakeholders. There will be further technical training events held in the Open Source Conference 2023 following this seminar in the series. More details will be announced later.
Language: Cantonese & English
Featured Speakers:
Mr. Edmon Chung, Board Member, ICANN
Ms. Athena Foo, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, ICANN
Mr. Ben Lee, Head of IT, HKIRC
Ms. Alban Kwan, Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Alliances, APAC, CSC Global
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Internet Society Hong Kong Limited will be held on 19-Dec-2022 (Monday).
The Election of the Board of Directors will be held in the AGM. Two to Five seats of the Board will be opened for election and both Full Member and General Member nominations are welcomed. For joining the election, please fill in the appropriate nomination form and submit the form on or before 16 Dec 2022 (revised).
Annual General Meeting 2022
Date: 19th December, 2022 (Monday)
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm (please be punctual)
Venue: Oursky, Room B, 10/F, Great Wall Building, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong
(You may also choose to attend online with our meeting room link)
Participants: Internet Society Hong Kong members only
Registration: Please email your name to [email protected] with subject “Registration for AGM 2022”
Agenda of Meeting
- Confirmation of Agenda
- Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting: 2021 AGM Minutes.pdf
- Confirmation of Business Report
- Confirmation of Financial Report
- Election of Board of Directors
- Appointment of Auditor
The financial report is password protected. Please reach out to [email protected] for password.
Financial report:
ISOCHK – AFS 2022(Final)-protected.pdf
Nomination forms for Full Member:
Nomination forms for General Member:
Nomination_form.gen_member.2022. V2.pdf
Members can also participate through signing the proxy form:
2022 AGM Proxy Form Letter.pdf
Nomination Committee
A Nomination Committee was appointed on 17th November, 2022. The members are Jacky Ng, Ben Cheng, Edmon Chung and SC Leung.
Read moreMeta數碼公民網絡安全香港論壇
「數碼公民網絡安全香港論壇」由Meta主辦,加減乘除基金策劃,與香港互聯網協會、香港電腦教育學會、資訊科技教育領袖協會、香港輔導教師協會、香港青年協會、香港明愛及來自不同範疇的支持機構攜手合作,邀請政府人員、網絡安全專家及教育界參與。 本港教師反映科技發展迅速,網絡安全問題日趨嚴重,需要加強現今教育課程,加入更多網絡問題生活應用例子。有鑑於此,Meta與香港互聯網協會及各個合作夥伴,共同為本港中學設計一套資訊及通訊科技科(ICT) 教材,主要內容將來自於We Think Digital數碼素養公共教育教材,加入業界資訊及生活應用例子,提升網絡安全意識。 屆時,論壇將會以網絡安全為主題,介紹及分享通訊科技科教材的特點,多角度探討網絡安全、保護私隱等與數碼素養有關的重要議題,以及如何裝備學生去迎接和把握數碼時代。 活動流程: 【致歡迎辭】 楊秀玲女士(Meta亞太區私隱和數據政策參與主管) 【論壇主題演講】 邱達根先生(立法會議員 – 科技創新界) 【Meta如何打造安全的網絡環境】 譚雋蘭女士(Meta 香港、澳門及蒙古公共政策經理) 專題研討會: 【第一節:本地數碼素養課程發展,推動網絡安全】 鍾宏安先生 (香港互聯網協會理事) 朱嘉添副校長 (香港電腦教育學會主席、香港真光書院副校長) 黃健威老師 (資訊科技教育領袖協會主席) 主持:李卓蓓小姐 (Meta大中華及蒙古公共政策計劃經理) 【第二節:從網絡安全到社區培訓】 葉卓譽先生 (香港警務處網絡安全及科技罪案調查科總督察) 李子圖先生 (香港電腦保安事故協調中心副主管) 金偉明校長 (香港電腦教育學會副主席) 主持:譚雋蘭女士 (Meta 香港、澳門及蒙古公共政策經理 ) 【第三節:從保護私隱到校園教育】 郭正熙先生 (私隱專員公署署理首席個人資料主任-合規及查詢) 方保僑先生 (香港資訊科技商會榮譽會長) 彭韻僖女士 (報業評議會主席) 主持:張健康先生 (Meta 亞太區私隱和數據政策組) 【第四節:栽培學生提升數碼安全教育】 馮立榮校長 (資訊科技教育顧問、香港創新智力運動協會創辦人、聖愛德華天主教小學校長) 陳狄安校長 (香港直接資助計劃學校議會主席、英華書院校長) 岑雅韻校長 (滬江維多利亞學校中學校長) 主持:陳俊濠先生 (加減乘除基金聯合創辦人兼行政總監) |
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